En tierra de nadie 

Theodor W.Adorno una biografía intelectual

En tierra de nadie  - Stefan  Müller Doohm - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 1400 g
Hard cover

Stefan Müller-Doohm, a professor at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, has written the first intellectual biography of Adorno, to be published by Suhrkamp in September and appear simultaneously in their translations into Castilian, English, French, Italian and Japanese. For years, scholars have known Adorno in his life more than a set of data, dates and places, or what some friends, colleagues and disciples have been writing about him, beyond these fragments, were not available a reconstruction of his life and development of their ideas, and as Müller-Doohm announced years ago his company to write the first biography, has been on tenterhooks the whole community of scholars and readers of Adorno. The wait is worth it. In an intense research effort, sometimes almost detective-Doohm Müller has followed Adorno for all seasons of his career life, musical and philosophical, and rebuilt a...read more


Book: En tierra de nadie 

ISBN: 8425423074
Precio de lista: $1,200.00
Descuento: 50%