
Infancias -  AA.VV. - Paradiso Editores
Publisher name: 
Paradiso Editores
Year of publication: 

Currently we find ourselves with an exacerbation of neoliberal policies that are manifested in the ways of thinking and approaching the clinic. Time in which the market economy, individualism, the survival of the best and brightest, becomes a predatory "social neo-Darwinism", which does not guarantee existence and renders collective struggles for rights insignificant. Thus, differences are naturalized, difficulties are biologized, transforming them into neurobiological deficits of supposed genetic origin. In this context, this book refers to playing as a productive force that produces subjectivities. Within these pages, a clinical-handmade reading of the sufferings in childhood is carried out. Childhoods, specters, power, the subject, and his future as a human being within a world absorbed by consumerism are taken as premises.

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Infancias

ISBN: 9786079714062