La academia rabínica de Córdoba

La academia rabínica de Córdoba - Ángel Sáenz-Badillo - Herder
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Weight: 270 g
Rustic with flaps

Surprising to find in the history of the Hebrew culture of Al-Andalus ongoing controversy over philological issues. A heated debate, full of life, who does not hesitate to get to insult and total disqualification of the opponent. Andalusíes for Jews was much was at stake. Issues of the case depended the same sense of Scripture, written in Hebrew, the "language santa" in which God had spoken to men and consequently the way of understanding God and his relation to men as well as conduct that the Jewish people should observe according to biblical precepts. Contact with the dominant Arab culture also influenced these philological debates. The abundance of philological writings meant for Jews Arabs an important stimulus for such a study in their own language, developed the first scientific grammar of biblical Hebrew and formulating the basic principles of the later Hebrew lexicography. more


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Book: La academia rabínica de Córdoba

ISBN: 9788425438738
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 30%