Las diosas de la mujer madura

Arquetipos femeninos a partir de los cincuenta

Las diosas de la mujer madura - Jean Shinoda Bolen - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 348 g
Soft cover

After the publishing success of her previous book, Every Woman's Goddesses, which was followed by Every Man's Gods, the celebrated Jungian analyst is now concentrating on women past fifty so that, instead of becoming Invisible and dissatisfied older women, transform the third phase of their lives into a stage of splendor, fullness and personal integration.

She explains the author in the Introduction: «I have written The goddesses of mature women so that women can name and recognize what worries them. The origin of these feelings are the archetypes of the goddess within us, the patterns and energies of the psyche. By knowing who the goddesses are, women can become more aware of the potentialities within them, which, once recognized, are sources of spirituality, wisdom, compassion, and action."

The Goddesses of Mature Women thus offers a splendid and stimulating more


Book: Las diosas de la mujer madura

ISBN: 9788472455320
Precio de lista: $610.00
Descuento: 15%