Los padecimientos del joven Werther

Los padecimientos del joven Werther - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Akal
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The passionate and sentimental Werther has found happiness in a small town in which the delightful landscape and the simple people who inhabit it bring the calm and the serenity that needs his restless spirit. During a dance he will make friends with Lotte, the daughter of a corregidor of the prince, who from the first moment awakens in him a passion that not even the marriage commitment of the young person can extinguish. Despite being aware of the impossibility of their relationship, he is unable to renounce their friendship, thus feeding a self-destructive feeling in which they mix the most sublime pleasure with the most intense pain. "The sufferings of young Werther" were an unprecedented publishing success in his country and became an indispensable part to understand the further development of German and European literature. But above all it is one of the most brilliant descripti...read more


Book: Los padecimientos del joven Werther

ISBN: 9788446024033
Precio de lista: $240.00
Descuento: 20%