Yep Muscat, famed Armenian writer in low hours and in debt, returns to New York to try to sell his works and visit his ex-wife, a second actress of Broadway, and their two children. Throughout a busy week he will meet with producers and literary agents who once relied on his talent and today are wary of him, will return to the hotels of his youth, now in decline, and will be reunited with a friend of adolescence who has made a fortune Everything seems to invite Muscat to take refuge in his past, except for the magical company of his children, Rosey and Van, who root him in the present. In contrast to the scenario of the bustling New York of the 1950s, the web of human relationships, which Saroyan masters, emerges as the true home of characters who despite the uprooting have managed to build a unique family. Written with a refined prose, A day in the sunset of the world is an emotional...read more