Un Psicoanalista en el 2050

Un Psicoanalista en el 2050 -  AA.VV. - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

We have reached the year 2050 and Sueños de los androides con ovejas electricas editions has decided to publish a book that appeared in 2007. The reader will have to get used to a type of design, font and paper that has not been used for a long time. We believe that the difficulties that your reading may present will be rewarded with the possibility of better understanding the texts gathered here.
These are 17 stories published in Topía magazine between April 1994 and April 2000. Only in October 2007 were they compiled by its director, the psychoanalyst Enrique Carpintero. In that edition he gave the following acknowledgments:
“I thank all the authors who agreed to participate in this game: to imagine a story about the future of a psychoanalyst in a time that, for most of us, is very far away.
I also thank all those who make Topía magazine:
To César Hazaki, Ale...read more


Book: Un Psicoanalista en el 2050

ISBN: 9789871185221