Una historia oral de la infamia

Los ataques a los normalistas de Ayotzinapa

Una historia oral de la infamia - John Gibler - Tinta Limón
Publisher name: 
Tinta Limón
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

"Ayotzinapa is the story of the impossible, the name of the horror, but also that of the reaction to the intolerable. The news of the attacks on the normalistas, with their balance of dead and disappeared, aroused a current of indignation inside and outside of Mexico that broke the general state of indifference and curbed the impunity organized by the Peña Nieto government.The state and federal governments spread false information and invented a version of events that concealed the participation of its officials while transferring the responsibility to the victims An oral history of infamy was written against these lies.
John Gibler arrived in Ayotzinapa with the purpose of investigating the events a few days after they occurred. The result is a story built entirely of testimonies, with the narrative strength of a novel, and the political power of a necessary truth for all. "


Book: Una historia oral de la infamia

ISBN: 9789873687198