Bodei Remo (1938) is professor of philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has taught at the Scuola Normale Superiore and the University of Pisa, as well as in various research centers and universities in Europe and the United States. His interests originally focused on the German classical idealism, aesthetics and theory of tragedy, is then directed towards the utopian thought in the twentieth century. In the last twenty years has been devoted to the analysis of individuality in its links to memory and forgetting, and understanding of areas of human experience endowed, in his opinion, a very peculiar logic: the passions, delusions, the phenomenon of déjà vu etc. Among his books translated into Spanish can remember: Hölderlin: philosophy and tragedy (Visor, 1990); Ordo amoris. Land conflicts and heavenly happiness (Four, 1998); Geometry of passions (Muchnik, 1995; FCE, 1995); The shape of beauty (Visor, 1998); Book of Memory and Hope (Losada, 1998); The philosophy of the twentieth century (Alliance, 2001); The logic of delirium. Reason, affections, insanity (Chair, 2002); Dr. Freud and nerves of the soul. Philosophy and society a century the birth of psychoanalysis (Pre-Textos, 2004); Sparkle and fire. Invitation to Philosophy (New Vision, 2006). Personal destinations in the trilogy that began with Scomposizioni. Fashion dell'individuo continued with modern geometry of passions.