Modelos de locura 

Modelos de locura  - John Read - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 765 g

Models of Madness shows that hallucinations and delusions are understandable reactions to events and circumstances of life, not just symptoms of a supposed genetic predisposition or a biological disorder. In this book, contributors from around the world, criticizing the "medical model" of psychosis and madness; analyzed from a historical perspective and economical approach the prevalence of psychosis defined as "disease", illustrating the role of the pharmaceutical they describe alternative solutions based exclusively on the medication and indicate the urgency and the possibility of preventing psychosis, madness. Models of Madness calls for a more humane and effective for the treatment of the seriously affected by psychosis. For its alternative approach to time is a strict essential work for psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, for professionals and social service workers and more


Book: Modelos de locura 

ISBN: 8425424712
Precio de lista: $1,200.00
Descuento: 30%