Cuentos negreros

Cuentos negreros - Marcelino Freire - Librosampleados
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Weight: 120 g

The translation of Cuentos Negreros, by Marcelino Freire by Armando Escobar Gómez is a great pretext to Mexicanize a landscape like the Brazilian from language, bringing it a little closer to the Mexican hermeneutics of space and towards an understanding of its hidden blackness. A blackness denied completely in a country also racist but from another aspect, because indigenous roots have been revalued in Mexico after the independence of Spain for a market in need of materials, territory and erotic options, in a more paternalistic way. In Brazil, these roots were exposed to the consumption of a dark and abusive market since the time of slavery.

Escobar G. occupies the brief accounts of Freire in an ironic coordinate, as it is almost everything in Mexican letters. With the color black an ethnic group is named, which also means reducing something complex to the external ... " more


Book: Cuentos negreros

ISBN: 9786079666668
Precio de lista: $149.00
Descuento: 15%