Razones de corazón

Razones de corazón - Edward Dahlberg - Mangos de Hacha
Publisher name: 
Mangos de Hacha
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 136 g

Misanthrope, provocative, arrogant, twisted, spiteful, intrusive, abusive, cruel, misogynistic, mean, are terms rarely used to describe the author of a book when seeking to persuade the reading public that they have in their hands a work filled not only with malice and disenchantment, but of deep beauty and compassion. They are, however, only a sample of the profusion of epithets used by the friends and enemies (over time, indistinguishable) of Edward Dahlberg. Within an uneven work, which includes cumbersome and bland books, and notable volumes such as Do These Bones Live, Flea of ​​Sodom or Because I Was Flesh (of which James Laughlin, its editor, said: The Atrocious Edward Dahlberg is the most author ungrateful that I have published, but it is a masterpiece), this volume is perhaps the best entry point to the writing of the self-defined as the enfant terrible of that farce of Black...read more


Book: Razones de corazón

ISBN: 9786079715557