Consensus does not mean the pacification of spirits and bodies. A new racism and ethnic cleansing, humanitarian wars and war on terror are at the heart of consensual times; the fictions of the total war and radical evil or the intellectual controversies on the interpretation of the Nazi genocide also have a good place in this book. Consensus is not peace. It is a map of war operations, a topography of the visible, the thinkable and the possible where to place war and peace.
It is also a use of time that confers a thousand twists: incessant diagnosis of the present and policies of amnesia, adis to the past, commemorations, duty of memory, explanations of the reasons why the past refuses to pass, re-study of the mornings that pretend to sing, exaltation of the new century and the new utopas.
These turns and revolts go towards the same goal: to show that there is only one more