El psicoanálisis, en el siglo XXI

El psicoanálisis, en el siglo XXI -  AA.VV. - Ned Ediciones
Publisher name: 
Ned Ediciones
Year of publication: 
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Can a theory and practice that were born with the 20th century be current when we enter an era that in many aspects is so different? What have psychoanalysts done to update it, taking into account the profound transformations of civilization and its undeniable effects on the subjectivity of the men and women of our time, whose discomforts are expressed in ways previously unheard of?
This is the question answered by various works gathered in this volume, starting with Jacques-Alain Miller's conference, "How do you become a psychoanalyst at the beginning of the 21st century?", which constitutes a valuable initial orientation. This is followed by a seminar by Esthela Solano-Suárez around concepts that Lacan introduced in the last period of her teaching and which, as she demonstrates, constitute the most appropriate tools to address the challenges inherent to our task today. And, as...read more


Book: El psicoanálisis, en el siglo XXI

ISBN: 9788418273544
Precio de lista: $390.00
Descuento: 10%