Los patitos feos

Los patitos feos - Boris Cyrulnik - Gedisa
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Maria Callas, "divine" the voice of the century if we were only allowed to choose one, was a girl who languished overwhelmed by emotional deprivation in a reception center in New York ... Georges Brassens, a wayward boy, because his high school teacher discovery of poetry that would give a new start to his rebellion ...

These cases are renowned resilience. They were able to start again after suffering a traumatic experience during childhood. Boris Cyrulnik offers a reasonably optimistic alternative to current theories on child trauma and its harmful effects, even irreparable vision. Through examples of famous people, and also for patients in their own clinical practice, it shows us the existence of a mechanism of self-protection, "muffling" most of the time the shock trauma, starts from the earliest childhood, first by weaving bond, and later through the expression of emotions....read more


Book: Los patitos feos

ISBN: 9788474329261
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 20%