Jorge Tizon is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in primary care, as well as psychologist and neurologist. Between 1982 and 2005 has been director of the Mental Health Unit of La Verneda, La Pau and La Mina (Barcelona), which included two mental health centers and two adult child and adolescent mental health, a functional unit care early childhood, a comprehensive treatment team to Severe Mental Illness, a team of research on schizophrenia and, between 1988 and 1999, a center of attention and monitoring of drug addicts. Since October 2005 he directed the Prevention Team Mental Health - Early Attention to Patients at risk for psychosis (EAPPP) of the Institut Catala de la Salut Barcelona._x000D_
He has taught at the University of Salamanca, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the School of Social Work at the University of Barcelona. Currently, Ramon Llull University (Barcelona) and, as a visiting professor in several universities and Institutes of Public Health Training, both Spanish and foreign._x000D_
It belongs to the Standing Committee of the Master Plan for Mental Health and Addiction of Catalonia, the Advisory Council on Mental Health and Addictions Advisory Council and the Immigration and Cooperation, Mental Health Commission of Catalan science Consell Especialitats i de la Salut and since February 2006, a member of the "Grup d'Estudi per a l'Observation de les Health Professions" (GEOPS) subject dependent subcommittee of the Standing Committee of the Consell Catala d'Especialitats Sciences Salut.