El Arte del cambio

Trastornos fóbicos y obsesivos

El Arte del cambio - Giorgio Nardone - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 270 g

This work offers a true "Copernican revolution" in psychotherapy. Fertility arises from constant innovation and creative theoretical and clinical Palo Alto (California), known by the interesting works of Paul Watzlawick. The strategic approach to psychotherapy, that is the modern evolution of systemic therapy in symbiosis with hypnotherapy of Milton Erickson, is a truly revolutionary perspective on conventional forms of psychotherapeutic intervention. This is a new theoretical model and operating the solution in a short period of time, the problems of the individual, couple and family, which also applies to broader interpersonal contexts, not just clinical trials (anxieties, fears , phobias ... that paralyze daily output). To win the "moves" are used sophisticated techniques of suggestion, paradoxes and behavioral strategies that circumvent the patient's resistance to change, leading ...read more


Book: El Arte del cambio

ISBN: 8425418119
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 30%